Friday, December 31, 2010

becoming 2011

hohoh....its becoming 2011...lme dah x update blog ni..asyik2 penuhkan blog 1 lg..hohoh...

wat purpose for dis becomig year?? still d same or must motivate to b a better life...ermm...syukur n alhamdullillah atas berkat kesabaran selama ni... dapat jugak rezeki hari

tibe2 rse kusut ngan naik gaji yg tak dijangke unpredictable...kwn bleh jd lain...jauh...dipndang serong? itu sudah semestinyer...penat laa cm petg lps mjlis 2...junaidi sekat xpyh berenti...erm...confius nii..memg syg tempt cm dh twr hati xpe...thn dlu...hold 1st...xrugi cm mne pun abh tetp nk resume aku 2... ..

Monday, December 6, 2010



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

peduli atau x

iskkk...kenape laa mende ni bleh jadi..sebb aku ni peramah sgt ker???sbb aku ni baik ngn org yg ko x suke ker??? itu mslh anda laaa...bukan mslh sy pon...lgpun sy ni xnk ade mslh ngn org lain...
xperlu kot...

die x cri mslh ngn sy.buat pe nk cri psl ngn die....isk xphm laaa...nme je dh kawen...
tp mende cm ni x le nk pk...aishh....geram pon ade...hari ni...x psl2...ble tego xnk ckp...

ok fine...

xpyh ckp trus...ble ajk mkn ...xnk...sbb sy ni pekerja biase...mkn ngn hod...xde kls laa mkn ngn staf biase terdengar crite ade keje ksg kt tati...lnsung xde britau pon...amat laa terase atii...klu x ...birye2 nk bgtau...iskk..xphm laaa org2 sekeliling niii

kepada sesiapa yg terbace blog nii...buat2 xtau je laaa
ini adalh sekadar luahann semate mate

Saturday, November 13, 2010

day 5: when it started...

yay..its going starts in better way...hahaahah...3 hours is along to know each other...hohoh...til 4.30 am...
but...thre stil...

I don't feel like I'm falling.
No, I don't feel like I'm falling.
No, I don't feel like I'm falling down.
Just say "hello" to the ground.

day 4: hohohoh

er...when i started chatting with him...its beginnig??? dont know how to describe...but it stil have a fence between stil not 4 him..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

day 3 : silent... 3...still searching....anywhere in dis place..but not found..tentang rasa....rasa yang tak terungkapkan...rasa yang buat jadi sewel...xbetull..hahaha
ade org nk tolong..tapi entah laaa..segan..malu pun mne nk mengadap sem ni...mati laa...mati..parah...prah...

1 lg kes yg blaku hari ni...ble mnusia2 tidak bersyukur dapt belajar..pastu kutuk2...macm bgus... berenti je ..seng..xpyh buat duk kutuk2 ...belagak nak mmpus..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

day 2: you wouldn't like me if u met me

ermmm...its been day 2....nothing thinking scenario about yestday..wana forget it..throw from my life...coz i not should be like n try....maybe today i not that it not too give me fact..but jus see him far side...ermmmtry...try..

There's a war inside of me
Do I cause new heartbreak to write a new broken song
Do I push it down or let it run me right into the ground
I feel like I wouldn't like me if I met me
Well I can't stop talking for fear of listening to unwelcome sound
And you haven't called me in weeks and honestly it's bringing me down
I feel like I wouldn't like me if I met me
I feel like you wouldn't like me if you met me
And don't you worry there's still time
There's nothing to live for when I'm sleeping alone
And I wash the windows outside in hopes that the glare will bring you around
Sunshine is days away I won't be saved I know all the words
I can't say that I'll love you forever
I won't say that I'll love you forever

this song suitable for today n dis stupid moment..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day 1: wat its mean?

hahaha...why its day 1??
ermm....takde laa tragis hari ini...tpi nampak suram... ntah laaa...xde sorg pun tau pasal ni..mayb sbb ia salah..tapi sebenarnye tak sy yg slah..mungkin xle terhindar...ble tgk je die?? clueless...ape yg dlm otk smua xblehh...xbleh cm ni..kne elak..prevent from him...
klau x mesti die xble dekat dgn die..ape ni..ape niii...xbleh..xblehh...lgu nii...dr dlm krete nk g opis pg td smpai blik..duk ulang je..penyakit..sewell...

Monday, November 8, 2010

ble berjinak amik gambo...

hohoh...taking a picture make me more xcited...hhoh..

Saturday, November 6, 2010


ini adalah rentetan dr rse kekesalan yg blaku ble terbce status cik ana...iskk...adat melayu yg semakin menyusahkn....patut ke berbelanja byk untuk tujuan 1 hri??
klu x buat grand2...mule laaa buat malu fmily laaa ....kedekut laaa...nak kawen hntran kne 10 000, padahal mas kawen xsmpai pown 100..yg wajib...lps 2 rmai takut nk kwen sbb kne buat pinjmn ngn klu couple, x ckup duit pastu tension....nk pinjm mk ayh..bukn nk bg...

ermmm...saranan --> simpan duit sy boros...

Friday, October 22, 2010

its been a while....

hhaha....dah lme dh x mengupdate blog niii...sbb bz ker?? atau xde mse atau dh mls nk mengarang...bermusim setiap mse stil lagi berfikir cm dlu...berfikir untuk mencapai sesuatu..menyelesaikan apakah itu? yg tiada solution...sbb saya xpandai...saya fail bab2 nii.....tapi sampai bile kalau xcube...tapi macam mana nak cube kalau xpandai...apa nii....

sbenarnye sy lebih ske dgn hobi bru sy yg bru develop...develop n alhamdullilah berhasil yang memuaskn hati sy n make me happy....kerana dgn cre ni..people surround me will happy....i luf it...huhuhu


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

luka duka di dunia yang penuh kepuraan

luka duka...ape mknenyee....hidup yang perlu melindungi luka duka 2....berselindung dgn senyuman yang perlu ikhlas...perlu berselindung disebaliknya....agar ape sebenarnye luka duka...kenapa perlu luka duka.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

as a normal person

what we should do as a normal person?? talking..shut...talking is normal...
kdg2 kte xtau ape yg kte buat 2 btul ke x...klu btul 2 btul laaa..klu salah..ia tetp jd btul...
mcm mulut org..sekali terleps xbleh nk patah blik...pastu mnyesal...yup nobody perfect in unperfect going into 23...wat should i do....tensi2...keje yang bukn bidang...lonely...must follow the rythm...wen it wil stop n b my self...wat myself wan actually...confusion....serabuttt

Thursday, March 4, 2010

mencari keperluan

kenapa kdg2 mnusia xle nk buat kputusan sndiri...wlaupun diberi peluang untuk membuat knape perlu sifat rse bersalah...pening2...knape perlu mengikut ape yg org len nk...tanpa pedulikan diri sendir..ape yang sbenarnya yang dimahukn...menjaga hati org len ??? dan mmbiarkan hti terluka...sakit..parah...semate2 nk meggembirakan hati org len..bosannnnnn...knpe perlu bgtu...