Tuesday, October 13, 2009

my personality

thru psychology test and got all og dis...mybe all dis rite..huhuhu...sometimes..

Mysterious... oftentimes, a loner. You know your true friends and only them are allowed to understand the real you.

You hide your emotions... Sometimes pretending to be always happy. Sometimes, not giving even a hint of what you really feel.

You search for love... you’re a hopeless romantic and every time you enter a relationship, you give your all and believe “this is the One.”

You have so many ideas in mind... You’re creative and aggressive! If you want something, you’ll do anything to get it!

You’re a stubborn sweetheart... You “love” him/her only because he/she loves you. If his/her flame puts out, you let go with no trouble.

You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.

You’re independent! You’re also risky just like the bajaken who sail in the vast and dangerous ocean to look for treasures!


fare said...

i alwaz be ur fren teha...eventhough u backstabber me pasal wrote my name in eleh's book..haha..let gone by gone..i alwaz for u as long as u need me to be ur fren..love u